Beta SLE

King Lear SLE

Throughout the play named after himself, King Lear shows constant aggression. While at times this aggression is provoked, at other times it appears to just be the way he is. He speaks very forcefully with everyone around him in ways that easily creates discomfort for those around him. The difficulty with typing Lear at all […]

Beta SLE

Napoleon: SLE 3w2

Napoleon was a French general who arose to prominence around the time of the French Revolution. Taking advantage of his increasing popularity, Napoleon took control of his home country as the First Consul. This title, however, was short lived, and Napoleon soon took on the role of Emperor. It did not take France long to […]

Beta SLE

Batman SLE

Batman is one of if not the most popular superheroes ever created. The story has been told a thousand times. Bruce Wayne was just your average mega rich kid, before his parents were murdered. Although it would be years until he would wear his cape and cowl, that was the night the Dark Knight was […]

Beta SLE

Thomas Sutpen: SLE

Typing Thomas Sutpen (or really any Faulkner character) is a difficult task. We never see the world from Sutpen’s point of view. Instead, the reader is forced to understand him through the memories of the other characters. Still, I believe that there is enough information to reach a reasonable conclusion. In Absalom, Absalom!, Sutpen struggles […]

Beta IEI

Micah Purvis: IEI by Jack Oliver Aaron

Leading Function – Telos (T1) To Micah, “faith is something that everyone has, so it’s just a matter of what you’re gonna decide to have faith in”. With this view, Micah approaches the fields of film and literature with a near “spiritual” reverence. It is with this reverence that Micah requires a story to be“allowed… to speak through […]


Hamlet: EIE

The most notable aspect of Hamlet is his emotional outbursts throughout the play. Observe the variety of emotions Hamlet puts on display. He can be furious, whimsy, or depressed. Regardless of the emotion, Hamlet emotes the feeling externally to the people around them. Interestingly, Hamlet continues this practice even while along. This suggests that Hamlet’s […]


Charles Foster Kane: SLE

The newspaper tycoon knows how to pick his battles, or at least he knows how to finish them. Charles Foster Kane is aggressive in everything he does whether it be politics, or journalism. He takes pleasure in fighting. During his brief political run, Charles accuses his opponent of being a criminal, and threatens to throw […]


Another Look at The Joker: EIE

Why so serious? This question is the Joker’s challenge to Gotham. From his perspective life is hilarious, and he wishes to spread that joy. So, what if that joy involves a little death? Death is hilarious too. The Joker is highly expressive, and constantly showcases a wide range of emotions. The Joker easily creates fear […]


Ray Bradbury: IEI

Ray Bradbury’s work indicates a strong focus on Ni. His most famous work, Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian tale about a future devoid of books. This issue discussed in the novel is deeply specific and personal. Although the main theme people take from the novel is the problem of censorship, the author considered the main […]